Friday, May 13, 2011


Okay, it would appear that that Maguire piece was neither saved nor published. Boy is my face red? I'll endeavour to have it tomorrow anyway.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

groping towards a mission statement...

In my days at The Dubliner magazine it was my lot to do up a rough, first draft of what would later become the listings pages for that week's edition. As part of this role I encountered the work of painter Brian Maguire and was sufficiently intrigued by what I saw to make a resolution to visit his exhibition at the Kerlin gallery at some point in the future. So, rather belatedly, I got around to doing this yesterday. Happily, I can report that it's well worth a visit but, less happily, the window of opportunity for doing so will slam shut on Saturday when the exhibition ends.

Monday, May 9, 2011

hardest working blogger in showbiz

Eh, not quite. No, I've done a bit of work today but nothing to be too proud of. A new page has gone up about that Mindfield Politics and Media thing I attended recently. As usual, I think it's excellent and I hope you do too. All the best, Alan

Monday, May 2, 2011

there's a doins a transpiring!

Just posted that Re:public 2011 thing up on a separate page so I hope you enjoy. I'm going to do an account of two of the mindfield events soon but I'm a little bit hungover today so I may give it a miss for a day or two. Hope you're all well!